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Šifra proizvoda: 145826

Ključ za PC igru Ageless, STEAM Key

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od 1,35 € / mj.Obračun rata Obračun rata

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    Elektronička licenca – nije moguć povrat kupljenog ključa

    Ključ se isporučuje na e-mail adresu kupca.

    Ageless is a story driven puzzle platformer where you must alter the age of animals and plant life around you to progress. You play as Kiara, a young girl who braves through heartache and loss as she journeys across a mysterious world to discovers its secrets and herself. Story Lost, confused and alone. What will Kiara do when she suddenly finds herself with the power to control the age of flora and fauna? An ability that was bestowed onto her by a magical obelisk. Follow Kiara as she is thrown into a world of wonder and heart ache. Manipulate the age of animals and plant-life as you find your way through intricate environmental puzzles and defeat the merciless bosses that stand in your way. Key Features Become Ageless: Equipped with a mystical bow, master the art of becoming Ageless. Dash off animals and plant-life to navigate through interesting puzzles and intricate platforming challenges. Unique Aging Mechanic: Play with the laws of nature to control the age of animals and plants in order to progress through exciting levels. Not your Average Fairy-tale: In a tragic story of loss and personal discovery, Kiara must decide if she will use her newfound powers to face her inner demons or run from them. New Worlds to Discover: Explore new areas filled with unique plants and animals as you progress through the game. Each level is hand drawn to pixel perfection to create a beautiful world.MINIMUM: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 7 64-bit Processor: Intel i3-2100 @ 3GHz Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: GTX650 1GB VRAM DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 2 GB available space RECOMMENDED: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 10 64-bit Processor: Intel Core i5 2300 Memory: 4 MB RAM Graphics: GTX750ti 2GB VRAM DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 4 GB available space


Elektronička licenca – nije moguć povrat kupljenog ključa

Ključ se isporučuje na e-mail adresu kupca.

Ageless is a story driven puzzle platformer where you must alter the age of animals and plant life around you to progress. You play as Kiara, a young girl who braves through heartache and loss as she journeys across a mysterious world to discovers its secrets and herself. Story Lost, confused and alone. What will Kiara do when she suddenly finds herself with the power to control the age of flora and fauna? An ability that was bestowed onto her by a magical obelisk. Follow Kiara as she is thrown into a world of wonder and heart ache. Manipulate the age of animals and plant-life as you find your way through intricate environmental puzzles and defeat the merciless bosses that stand in your way. Key Features Become Ageless: Equipped with a mystical bow, master the art of becoming Ageless. Dash off animals and plant-life to navigate through interesting puzzles and intricate platforming challenges. Unique Aging Mechanic: Play with the laws of nature to control the age of animals and plants in order to progress through exciting levels. Not your Average Fairy-tale: In a tragic story of loss and personal discovery, Kiara must decide if she will use her newfound powers to face her inner demons or run from them. New Worlds to Discover: Explore new areas filled with unique plants and animals as you progress through the game. Each level is hand drawn to pixel perfection to create a beautiful world.MINIMUM: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 7 64-bit Processor: Intel i3-2100 @ 3GHz Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: GTX650 1GB VRAM DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 2 GB available space RECOMMENDED: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 10 64-bit Processor: Intel Core i5 2300 Memory: 4 MB RAM Graphics: GTX750ti 2GB VRAM DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 4 GB available space

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