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Šifra proizvoda: 123943

Miš CHERRY GENTIX-4K optički, USB, crni (JM-0340-2)

Informacije o proizvodu
od 1,48 € / mj.Obračun rata Obračun rata

Jamstvo: 36 mjeseci

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  • Dostava
  • Plaćanje
  • Post-prodajna podrška
  • Opis
    - Highest precision in the office, even on 4K monitors

    - The CHERRY GENTIX 4K is based on the international best-selling GENTIX mouse, with many unique functions added to it
    - At 3600 dpi, the ultra-high resolution optical sensor offers sufficient precision and speed to satisfy even the most demanding users of 4K monitors
    - The practical DPI switch allows users to conveniently change between the four preset resolutions via clicking

    - The red-lit scroll wheel is not just visually appealing but also provides information about the selected resolution
    - The mouse wheel can be lit permanently or only flash briefly when you change the resolution - the choice is yours!
    - Two additional thumb buttons allow you to rapidly navigate back and forth in your browser

    - The rubber-coated side parts are unchanged. They provide a firm grip and feel pleasant in your hand
    - The design is streamlined at the back, creating perfect ergonomics to make the mouse ideal for both small and large hands
    - The 1.8m cable provides flexibility, allowing you to connect the mouse to the PC below your desk, if necessary

    - High-precision optical sensor
    - 4-stage switchable resolution (800/1200/2400/3600 dpi)
    - Ideal for use with high-resolution monitors
    - Perfect ergonomics for hands both small and large
    - 6 buttons and a scroll wheel
    - Feels pleasant in your hand due to abrasion-resistant surface finish
    - Rubber-coated side sections for optimal grip
    - Extra-long USB cable (1.8 m)

    - High-precision optical sensor
    - 4-stage switchable resolution (800/1200/2400/3600 dpi)
    - Ideal for use with high-resolution monitors
    - Perfect ergonomics for hands both small and large
    - 6 buttons and a scroll wheel
    - Feels pleasant in your hand due to abrasion-resistant surface finish
    - Rubber-coated side sections for optimal grip
    - Cable lenght: 1.8 m
    - Operating temperature: 0C - 40C
    - Storage temperature: -20C - 60C
    - Dimensions (product) ca. 112×70×35 mm
    - Weight (product) ca. 125 g
  • Tehnička specifikacija
    Tip senzora (R) optički
    Broj tipki (R) 6
    Razlučivost miša (R) 3600 dpi
    Sučelje - periferija (R) USB 3.0
    Tehnologija povezivanja (R) žičana
    Boja (R) crna


- Highest precision in the office, even on 4K monitors

- The CHERRY GENTIX 4K is based on the international best-selling GENTIX mouse, with many unique functions added to it
- At 3600 dpi, the ultra-high resolution optical sensor offers sufficient precision and speed to satisfy even the most demanding users of 4K monitors
- The practical DPI switch allows users to conveniently change between the four preset resolutions via clicking

- The red-lit scroll wheel is not just visually appealing but also provides information about the selected resolution
- The mouse wheel can be lit permanently or only flash briefly when you change the resolution - the choice is yours!
- Two additional thumb buttons allow you to rapidly navigate back and forth in your browser

- The rubber-coated side parts are unchanged. They provide a firm grip and feel pleasant in your hand
- The design is streamlined at the back, creating perfect ergonomics to make the mouse ideal for both small and large hands
- The 1.8m cable provides flexibility, allowing you to connect the mouse to the PC below your desk, if necessary

- High-precision optical sensor
- 4-stage switchable resolution (800/1200/2400/3600 dpi)
- Ideal for use with high-resolution monitors
- Perfect ergonomics for hands both small and large
- 6 buttons and a scroll wheel
- Feels pleasant in your hand due to abrasion-resistant surface finish
- Rubber-coated side sections for optimal grip
- Extra-long USB cable (1.8 m)

- High-precision optical sensor
- 4-stage switchable resolution (800/1200/2400/3600 dpi)
- Ideal for use with high-resolution monitors
- Perfect ergonomics for hands both small and large
- 6 buttons and a scroll wheel
- Feels pleasant in your hand due to abrasion-resistant surface finish
- Rubber-coated side sections for optimal grip
- Cable lenght: 1.8 m
- Operating temperature: 0C - 40C
- Storage temperature: -20C - 60C
- Dimensions (product) ca. 112×70×35 mm
- Weight (product) ca. 125 g

Tehnička specifikacija

Tip senzora (R) optički
Broj tipki (R) 6
Razlučivost miša (R) 3600 dpi
Sučelje - periferija (R) USB 3.0
Tehnologija povezivanja (R) žičana
Boja (R) crna

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